CEU accredited Course

Group work from Blueprint to Breakthrough:

Mastering Treatment Groups with Kids

Group work for clinicians course PODCAST

As a clinician, you recognize the immense value of group therapy BUT...

Master Group Work with Kids

+ CEU's covered ✔

Become a Pediatric Group Expert

Master a clear, repeatable four-step process to excel in every type of group.

Build Confidence with EBP

Enhance your skills using the latest evidence-based practices, ensuring effective group sessions.

Master Group Management

Acquire the core skills needed to seamlessly optimize group dynamics and ensure every child's needs are met.

Maximize Collaboration

Learn to facilitate sustainable teamwork and collaboration through treatment groups in every setting.

Group work for clinicians course


Distance-Learning | Independent | Introductory Level

3.5+ Contact Hours

Occupational Therapy Practitioners (OT/ OTA) 

Holly Peretz is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID#8903. This distance learning-independent course is offered at 0.375 CEUs, [introductory level, OT Service Delivery].

The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.


Speech and Language Pathologists  

Introductory Level

0.35 ASHA CEUs

Physical Therapist (PT/PTA) 

This course is accredited for 2 Contact Hours (CEUs) for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants under the following conditions, in the below states:

If you have a specific question about CE credit for PTs / PTAs this course in your state, please direct your inquiry including the course title in which you are interested, to info@redefinehealthed.com

The CE Broker approval# for this course is : 20-1119876

Speech and Language Pathologists

The 2 hours of Ethics and DEI training are not officially accredited by ASHA.

However, ASHA does allow for self-submission which you can do towards your required 2 hours of DEI/ ethics points here  (see submission details here). 

Early Intervention CEUs

Illinois Early Intervention have been applied for and details will be provided. 

For Early Interventionists in other states please refer to the paragraph below on self-submission. 

Other Professionals

If the Professional Body you are registered with has not been mentioned above, you may be able to self-submit your proof of learning hours for recognition.

You will be provided with the full learning objectives, assessment at the completion of the course and final certificate with date and name (*see competency demonstration).

While many Professional Bodies will accept these CEUs, we encourage you to contact us at info@precisioncpd.com if you would like us to approach your professional body.

We cannot guarantee approval and will not offer refunds if the course is not accepted by any specific body (not mentioned above). 


The full course available on video AND Podcast App

$47 value!

Gain Confidence and master your skills

✔as a group work expert ✔

The Mentorship Program 

Peer learning and true mentorship are something that every clinician needs. 


That is why we have the added option of joining the group work mentorship program when you purchase the group work course. 

This includes: 

  • 5 pre-scheduled live zoom calls that run over 5 months. Most calls are scheduled at 1 pm EST on Thursdays. Replay’s will be available. 
  • A Group-only chat forum  (inside the course) 
  • Additional resources tailored specifically for your setting and needs. 


By joining the mentorship program, not only will you have Holly working with you on your unique needs but also the group offering support and learning. 

Group Work course

$ 127
  • 3.75 hours of Independent-Distance Learning
  • Workbook + transcripts
  • Learn on Podcast or Video
  • Certificate of Accredited CEUs
  • Plug & Play PDFs for planning, evaluation and activities

When you click this link, you will be directed to the secure checkout page powered through Thrivecart

Group Work course

$ 127
  • 3.75 hours of Independent-Distance Learning
  • Workbook + transcripts
  • Learn on Podcast or Video
  • Certificate of Accredited CEUs
  • Plug & Play PDFs for planning, evaluation and activities

When you click this link, you will be directed to the secure checkout page powered through Thrivecart

Join now

Full Course + Mentorship Program

$800 + Value for only
$ 257
  • 3.75 hours of Independent-Distance Learning
  • Workbook + transcripts
  • Learn on Podcast or Video
  • Certificate of Accredited CEUs
  • Plug & Play PDFs for planning, evaluation and activities
  • PLUS the full mentorship program (including 5 live calls, group only chat, additional resources)
limited time

When you click this link, you will be directed to the secure checkout page powered through Thrivecart

Precision CPD CEUS PD logo with text elevate your expertise

Trusted by

Satisfied Students


“I am a PT that has worked in EI for over 13 years


and I just want to say your ethics class was the best one I have ever taken.


Thank you for taking the time to make such a relevant ethics class.” 


Kathryn Murphy, MSPT, C/NDT

Physical Therapist

Professional Development Details

The course is currently registered with CEUs until February 2029. Your certificate will be dated with the date that you successfully complete the post-training assessment. 

It is the policy of Holly Peretz to disclose any financial and non-financial interest the provider or instructor may have in a product or service mentioned during an activity.

Holly Peretz is the owner of Precision CPD.

Holly Peretz has no relevant non-financial interests in this topic to disclose.

At the conclusion of this course, the student will:

  1. Be able to identify the 4 stages of establishing and running a group 
  2. Recognize 4 potential benefits of running a treatment group in a pediatric setting.
  3. Correctly choose 3 types of groups that can be run in education or clinical settings with children
  4. Identify criteria that need to be met before establishing a group
  5. Match the rationale behind 2 group processes, namely opening and closing activities 
  6. Identify 3 correct strategies that may be adopted for team training while running a group 
  7. Correctly recall one strategy for overcoming a lack of participation from one group member inside a group 
  8. Recognize 3 aspects to keep a record of and monitor at the end of each group session.

This course is an independent/self-study course delivered via video inside the Thrivecart Learn+ course platform and podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play.

Closed captions are provided on the video as well as a full downloadable transcript. 

For special needs access  requests please email info@precisioncpd.com

00:00 Introduction (Including learning objectives, outline of course, and disclosures)

00:15 Relevance to practice, the rise of group work, models and theories for group work practice

00: 50 Phase 1: Planning a group

01: 10 Phase 2: Starting the group

01: 30 Phase 3: Running the group and core skills needed

01:55 Phase 4: Evaluating, troubleshooting common concerns, and moving forward

02: 20 Specific group case examples (6 groups)

03:20 25 minutes are allocated for completing mandatory course evaluation and eight-question assessments on learning

Total 3 hours and 45 minutes

*Recognition of the amount of time allocated for the assessment may vary profession to profession  

Our target audience is Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Physical Therapy Practitioners, speech and Language Pathologists and other allied health professionals.  The educational level is introductory.

At the conclusion of the course, students must demonstrate a minimum of 80% proficiency in an 8-question multiple-choice questionnaire. 

In order to receive CEUs or the certificate of learning, you must fulfill the requirements of having completed all learning hours, completed the course evaluation as well as the course completed the assessment questionnaire with a proficiency of 80% or more. 


Lecture and case studies.

If this course were to be cancelled please see our cancelation policy here (link)

This course is made available to all Early Child Development Proffessionals on a non-discriminatory basis.

For special needs access requests for this course please reach to info@precisioncpd.com 

  1. Wright, B., Kingsley, E., Cooper, C., Biggs, K., Bursnall, M., Wang, H.-I.-, Chater, T., Coates, E., Teare, M. D., McKendrick, K., Gomez de la Cuesta, G., Barr, A., Solaiman, K., Packham, A., Marshall, D., Varley, D., Nekooi, R., Parrott, S., Ali, S., … Le Couteur, A. (2023). I-SOCIALISE: Results from a cluster randomised controlled trial investigating the social competence and isolation of children with autism taking part in LEGO® based therapy (‘Play Brick Therapy’) clubs in school environments. Autism, 27(8), 2281-2294. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613231159699
  2. Bailee Hymers, Rachel Chaiet, Jessica Piatak; Comparing the Effects of a Humor-Based Group and a Board Game Group on Social Participation in Students With Moderate to Severe Autism. Am J Occup Ther August 2019, Vol. 73(4_Supplement_1), 7311505123p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2019.73S1-RP104C
  3. Osuna A, Sabini K, Yamane E, Flores J, Pierce N, Lemus-Valle J, Vernon T. Socialization, Education, and Learning for the Internet (SELFI): A Pilot RCT of a Social Media Skills Group Program for Autistic Adults. J Autism Dev Disord. 2023 Aug 16. doi: 10.1007/s10803-023-06100-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37584764.
  4. Heather Watt; Push In or Pull Out? Factors Influencing Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Use of Service Delivery Models in School Systems in Two Western States. Am J Occup Ther November 2018, Vol. 72(4_Supplement_1), 7211510188p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2018.72S1-PO5015 
  5. Linda W. Duncombe, Margot C. Howe; Group Work in Occupational Therapy: A Survey of Practice. Am J Occup Ther March 1985, Vol. 39(3), 163–170. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.39.3.163
  6. Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process—Fourth Edition. Am J Occup Ther August 2020, Vol. 74(Supplement_2), 7412410010p1–7412410010p87. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.74S2001
  7. Susan Higgins, Sharan L. Schwartzberg, Gary Bedell, Linda Duncombe; Current Practice and Perceptions of Group Work in Occupational Therapy. Am J Occup Ther July 2015, Vol. 69(Supplement_1), 6911510223p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2015.69S1-PO7096
  8. Cole, Marilyn B. “Group dynamics in occupational therapy.” South African Journal of Occupational Therapy-Volume 39.2 (2009): 135-142.
  9. Alison Bullock, Katrina Bannigan; Effectiveness of Activity-Based Group Work in Community Mental Health: A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther May/June 2011, Vol. 65(3), 257–266. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2011.001305
  10. Rachelle Pitt, Anne J. Hill, Deborah Theodoros & Trevor Russell (2018) “I definitely think it’s a feasible and worthwhile option”: perspectives of speech-language pathologists providing online aphasia group therapy, Aphasiology, 32:9, 1031-1053, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2018.1482403
  11. Prendeville JA, Prelock PA, Unwin G. Peer play interventions to support the social competence of children with autism spectrum disorders. Semin Speech Lang. 2006 Feb;27(1):32-46. doi: 10.1055/s-2006-932437. PMID: 16440243.
  12. Mackay T, Knott F, Dunlop AW. Developing social interaction and understanding in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: a groupwork intervention. J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2007 Dec;32(4):279-90. doi: 10.1080/13668250701689280. PMID: 18049972.
  13. https://sosapproachtofeeding.com/introduction-to-the-sos-approach-to-feeding-program/ 
  14. Donohue, M.V. (1999), Theoretical bases of Mosey’s group interaction skills. Occup. Ther. Int., 6: 35-51. https://doi.org/10.1002/oti.87
  15. Annemarie Connor, Sanja Dizdarevic, Isayda Gonzalez, Zoey Knece, Hannah Koedam; Hybrid Versus Face-to-Face Delivery of Group Soft-Skills Training for Young Adults With High-Functioning Autism. Am J Occup Ther August 2021, Vol. 75(Supplement_2), 7512515345p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP345
  16. Sarah A. Schoen, Vincentia Ferrari, Virginia Spielmann; A Trampoline Exercise Group: Feasibility, Implementation, and Outcomes. Am J Occup Ther August 2021, Vol. 75(Supplement_2), 7512520395p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP395
  17. Sarah A. Schoen, Mim Ochsenbein; Effectiveness of the BRIDGE Program: Support for Participation in Group Settings. Am J Occup Ther August 2021, Vol. 75(Supplement_2), 7512520402p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP402
  18. Fern Silverman, Carrie Knight, Anna Grasso; Efficacy of an Intervention to Teach Zippering: A Two-Group Control Study. Am J Occup Ther March/April 2021, Vol. 75(2), 7502205010. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.043190
  19. Erna Imperatore Blanche, Megan C. Chang, Juliana Gutiérrez, Janet S. Gunter; Effectiveness of a Sensory-Enriched Early Intervention Group Program for Children With Developmental Disabilities. Am J Occup Ther September/October 2016, Vol. 70(5), 7005220010p1–7005220010p8. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2016.018481
  20. Yoo Gyeong Jeong, Hyojin Keum, Bokyeong Kwak, Jihyun Kim, Sangmi Park, Ickpyo Hong; Association Between Positive Social Contexts & Social Participation Among Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Am J Occup Ther July/August 2023, Vol. 77(Supplement_2), 7711505122p1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2023.77S2-PO122
  21. Owens G, Granader Y, Humphrey A, Baron-Cohen S. LEGO therapy and the social use of language programme: an evaluation of two social skills interventions for children with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord. 2008 Nov;38(10):1944-57. doi: 10.1007/s10803-008-0590-6. Epub 2008 Jun 20. PMID: 18566882.

If you have concerns or complaints about this course please contact us at info@precisioncpd.com. You can find our full complaint resolution policy here (link)


Presented by
Holly Peretz OT

Holly Peretz is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist with 14+ years of experience working with children and parents as a therapist and parent educator within hospitals, NGO’s preschools, hydrotherapy, and online. 

Through her work at Precision CPD she aims to better the services provided to children through quality professional development events, content, and courses for professionals working with children.

Trusted by:

Image of publications the Holly Peretz OTR/L has beeen featured in


Please find the linked request for funding that you can submit to your employer to request that they cover this Professional Development Activity. 
