Ethics CEUs

If it’s time to submit your Continuing Education hours you may be wondering if you need Ethics CEUs. 

In recent years the vocabulary around ethics and jurisprudence CEU requirements for OTPs, SLPs and PTs have been adjusted in many states. 

Whether you are curious about ethics and laws CEU requirements, DEI CEUs, or Cultural Competence CEU requirements this guide to ethics CEUs for allied health professionals will bring you clarity. 

Ethics CEUs 

As OTPs, SLPs, and PTs we use our ethical principles in almost all of the decisions that we make as clinicians. Ethics essentially form the backbone of our clinical reasoning. 

While most discussions about ethics and laws often feel stale, the truth is that in practice we need our ethical awareness to be highly refined and very dynamic. 

It is for this reason that while vocabulary around Ethics CEU requirements has changed, most states do recommend perfecting our ethical reasoning as part of continuing education for all OTs, SLPs, and PTs. 

The purpose of ethics continuing education is to both familiarize us as allied health professionals with our: 

  1. State laws 
  2. Ethical principles that we are held to 
  3. Improve ethical decision-making in response to specific diagnoses, specific treatment plans, and multicultural contexts,  as well as across interdisciplinary settings and functions 

The aim of ethics ceus is not that we as OTPs, PTs, and SLPs would only know our Code of Ethics but that our ethics would play out in every interaction that we have with our clients– from treatment to report writing. 

Image advertising 2 hour ethics CEU course for OTPs, SLPs and PTs

Cultural Competence CEUs 

In the last few years, many states ( Such as Oregon for OTs and PTs) have included hours for training in cultural competence for continuing education. 

Similarly ASHA as of 2023  required DEI CEUs which are namely covering the topics of cultural competency, cultural humility, culturally responsive practice, or diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Other states, such as Illinois for OTPs have added the requirement of implicit bias training for professional development. 

The question arises: Are Ethics CEUs the same as Cultural Competence CEUs?
The short answer- No. 
However, practically there is often overlap between cultural competence courses and ethics courses. Not always, but often. 

For example: 

We offer a 2-hour Ethics CEUs course about implementing ethical reflection when working in a family-centered practice. 

It is impossible to talk about OTs, SLPs, or PTs using family-centered practice without also covering cultural competence. In this case, these two concepts and the skills required in practice are interlinked. In the literature used to support the training as well as case studies from AOTA guidelines- cultural competence and ethics were central themes. 

Therefore this course is applicable towards both Ethics CEUs and Cultural Competence CEUs

However, an ethics course around using a specific treatment or specific diagnosis may have no link to ethics.

Ethics CEUs for Occupational Therapists 

As you can see on the map states highlighted in green do require Occupational Therapists to complete continuing education related to ethics.

The blue states do not specifically require ethics training however ethics still qualifies for the overall CE hours required of OTP’s.

As OTPs Ethics CEUs can facilitate a much smoother process of clinical decision-making. While only a handful of states formally require Ethics CEUs for Occupational Therapists, further training in ethical judgment can benefit every single OTP. 

States that formally require some version of ethics CEUs, legal CEUs, or Cultural Competence CEUs for OTPs: 

  1. Florida requires 2 hours of CE on State OT laws and rules per cycle.
  2. In Georgia, OTPs are required to complete 2 contact hours on ethics.
  3. Illinois requires 1 hour of ethics continued education per renewal cycle.  
  4. Maine OTPs need 1 hour of ethics in occupational therapy for continuing competence.  
  5. Massachusetts licensed OTPs require continuing competence of 2 hours of ethics, laws, and regulations courses.
  6. North Carolina requires 1 hour of ethics CEUs for Occupational Therapists.  
  7. Ohio Occupational Therapists need 1 contact hour of ethics or cultural competence professional development.
  8. Oregon OTPs do not require specific ethics CEUs however they must complete 1 hour of cultural competence CE per cycle.
  9. Tennessee requires Occupational Therapists to complete 0.1 CEUs of AOTA code of ethics and 1 contact hour about OT state practice act per renewal cycle.  
  10. Utah requires that OTPs complete 2 hours of CE related to legal and ethical principles of practice.

If you are looking for ethics CEUs for OTPs online in both podcast and video format- Check out our 2-hour Ethics and Cultural Competence course here. 

The Occupational Therapy CE requirements listed above are taken from 

Ethics CEUs for Physical Therapists 

Not all states require PT ethics CEUs however there is not doubt that a better handle on ethical requirements is helpful for Physical Therapists both from a legal perspective as well as from a service-elivery perspective. 

As you can see on the map states highlighted in blue do require Physical Therapists to complete continuing education related to ethics.

The grey states do not specifically require ethics training however ethics still qualifies for the overall CE hours required of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants.

States that require ethics CEUs for PTs: 

  1. Delaware requires 2 hours of PT Ethics CEUs every 2 years
  2. Georgia PTs need 4 hours of Georgia-specific ethics continuing education. GA – GAC  
  3. Illinois requires 3 hours of professional development (out of the total 40) to include content related to the ethical practice of physical therapy. 225 ILCS 90/  Illinois Physical Therapy Act. (
  4. Indiana requires 2 hours of PT Ethics CEUs every 2 years. IN-Physical-Therapy-Rules.pdf (
  5. Louisiana requires 2 contact hours of ethics training or professionalism per cycle for Physical Therapists. Louisiana Physical Therapy Board (
  6. Massachusetts requires PTs to complete 24 hours of professional development every 2 years, of which 2 hours must be about ethics. 259 CMR 7 (
  7. Montana  Physical Therapists require continuing education with current knowledge of professional ethics per relicensing period without a specific number of professional development contact hours stipulated. Continuing Education (
  8. Oregon requires a minimum of 1 hour for cultural competence training for PT continuing competence.  
  9. Pennsylvania PTs need 2 hours of CEUs covering laws and ethics per renewal cycle. 
  10. Utah requires 2 hours of PT Ethics CEUs every 2 years. Utah Office of Administrative Rules
  11. In California 2 Ethics CEUs are required for PTs every cycle. Continuing Competency—Physical Therapy Board of California
  12. Ohio requires 2 hours of PT Ethics CEUs every 2 years. Continuing Education – Ohio Physical Therapy Association (
  13. Texas requires that PTs and PTAs must complete a board-approved jurisprudence assessment module which includes ethics. PT board rules (

Interested in earning your PT ethics CEUs online? Grab this Ethics course in both podcast or video format for accessible professional development. 

DEI CEUs for SLPs Vs. Ethics CEUs

As of 2020, ASHA has requires all SLPs to complete a minimum of 1 hour of Ethics CEUs out of 30 contact hours per renewal cycle. 

In 2023, ASHA added a further 2 hours of required DEI CEUs. 

ASHA has provided a full breakdown of these two continuing education requirements and what topics would be appropriately considered for ASHA DEI courses as well as Ethics courses. (Source)

This Ethics course would be considered appropriate for the 1 hour of ethics training and 1 hour towards cultural competence. 

Looking for DEI or Ethics Audio courses? See our Ethics in Family-Centered Practice course here. 

Ethics course poster for accredited CEUs

Continuing Education Ethics

Ethics, an integral part of any professional field, holds immense significance in the realm of healthcare and therapy. As clinicians, our primary responsibility is to ensure the well-being and best interests of our clients. We need and are often formally required training to navigate the complex ethical dilemmas that arise during our practice.

 In conclusion, ethics training is not just a necessity but a game-changer for clinicians. It equips us with the tools and knowledge needed to make ethical decisions and provide the best possible care for our clients. By staying committed to ethics training, clinicians can ensure that they are upholding their professional and moral obligations to the highest degree.

Disclaimer: The following information is subject to change and all CE requirements should be checked individually by your state licensing board.